Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed praesentium natus quis obcaecati repellat beatae repellendus, perspiciatis nisi dolores, odit enim maiores officiis. Possimus veritatis quia, necessitatibus illum quae porro hic architecto incidunt? Numquam.

Reciprocal Memberships

As a member of The Waegwoltic Club, we invite you to enjoy the experience of the following clubs while traveling. Members from these clubs are also warmly welcomed to visit our club during their stay in Halifax.

Please note: If you wish to visit any club identified here, please contact Lisa in our main office at least 72 hours prior to the date when you wish to visit another club, at lisa@waegwoltic.ca, or at 902.429.2822 (ext. 0) so that we may make arrangements for your visit.


The Union of BC
Victoria, BC

Hollyburn Country Club 
Vancouver, BC 

Vancouver Lawn Tennis Club
Vancouver, BC

Terminal City
Vancouver, BC

Hollyburn Country Club 
Vancouver, BC 

Jericho Tennis Club
Vancouver, BC

The Artubus Club
Vancouver, BC

Royal Glenora Club
Edmonton, AB

Derrick Golf & Winter Club
Edmonton, AB

The Ranchmen's Club
Calgary, AB

The Toronto Cricket, Skating
& Curling Club

Toronto, ON

Donalda Club
North York, ON

London Club
London, ON

The Hamilton Club
Hamilton, ON

Rideau Club
Ottawa, ON

The Oakville Club
Oakville, ON

St. James Club
Montreal, QC

Hillside Tennis Club
Montreal, QC

The Forest & Stream Club
Montreal, QC

Mont Royal Tennis Club
Montreal, QC

U.S.A / International